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About Us

About Us

Welcome To JJ's High Performance

My name is Jack Grimes. I played for the Melbourne Football Club for 9 years, including a 3 year stint as co-captain. Whilst playing I opened my own personal training studio, coaching everyone from first timers to aspiring pro athletes.

After a stint at local footy, when my AFL days came to an end, I realised there’s a huge gap between the local and elite level when it comes to strength & conditioning. Way bigger than it should be.

So I started developing a platform that would change the game at local level for players wanting to reach their full potential. One that would be affordable, easy to use and allow them to fit it around work, school or uni.

I’ve been lucky to have learnt from some of the best strength & conditioning coaches in the country. But I’ve also lent on the experience of those around me to put this together, including my brother Dylan who had a very impressive career at the Richmond FC after 3 premierships & a B&F over 13 years.

Through the JJ’s app, I’ll not just tell you what to do but I'll coach you through it .


Jack Grimes

Founder & Coach

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